Monday, May 4, 2015

Oh hey!

We still exist :)

It's been a long time since the last update, but we're still here.

I've been without regular access to a computer for a while, but now I have one I can use so hopefully I can post more!

Arini's still around too, she's been busy living overseas and doing awesome overseas things, hopefully she comes around in a bit.

I haven't been doing much exciting, but I've been into Pokemon again a lot lately, which is pretty exciting.  I started playing way way back in the day but I've skipped a generation or so as I've been too busy/broke, haha.

I started a superfuntimes Instagram (@superfuntimmy) but it's mostly been about Pokemon tbh.  Everyone in the community is so nice! I really hope I can start giving back more.

I'll start doing more regular posts soon!  Miss you all.