Friday, February 17, 2012

the best brownies

These are the best brownies you will ever eat.  They’re so good that you’ll want to eat the whole pan, yet so rich that you physically can’t.

Tuesday, February 7, 2012

A quick story, and an article you should read

-- originally posted by Arini

Carrying on from our earlier post about tattooing (and why people need to leave the Wiggles the hell alone), I got my philtrum pierced this weekend. If you don’t know what a philtrum is, it’s that little divot between your nose and your upper lip. It’s my first oral piercing, and even though it’s still quite swollen (I closely resemble a duck right now), I’m really happy with it. Today at work I was asked the following: “why would you ruin your beautiful body like that?”

Well, first of all, thanks? I do love my body. My answer, as always, was “the more holes I have, the more shiny things I can put in them.” To me, that’s a perfectly sensible reason. To others, not so much, but I beg of you, how is a piercing any different than getting your lady parts waxed? It hurts a bit, and in both cases there is some upkeep. For your bikini line, it’s going back again when you start getting furry again. For a piercing, it’s some fairly simple aftercare (that does NOT involve “piercing solution”).

But, you say, a piercing can get infected! Well, waxing carries the risk of ingrown hairs, which don’t seem so bad. But an ingrown hair can form a sebaceous cyst, a type of infection which you should not google unless you care to be thoroughly grossed out. If you’ve ever gotten one, you know that they can hurt a LOT. The point here isn’t to argue whether one form of beautification is better than another, but that we, as humans, do plenty of otherwise pointless, painful things for beauty’ A professional piercing is a safe and beautiful way to enhance your body.

I leave you with this article about safe, piercing gun-free piercing. Enjoy.

Why I took my 7 year old to a piercing parlor

chocolate shortbread

And here’s another recipe from Cookies by Linda Collister!  You really can’t go wrong with shortbread.  I love shortbread.

danish cookies

These are THE BEST cookies you will ever eat.  Trust me on this.