Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Timmy Talks Funko - SDCC 2015 Twelfth Doctor in Spacesuit

I'm super excited about this one!  I just got my SDCC 2015 Twelfth Doctor in Spacesuit in a few days ago. :) 

I actually ordered two of these...I ordered one from Forbidden Planet, but they still haven't shipped it (soon, hopefully! soon!), but I later found this one online for a good price from someone who went to the con.  ANYWAY, here we go -

Sunday, August 2, 2015

Timmy Talks Funko - SCE 2015 Doctor Who Eleventh Doctor

It's that time again! (Not that we have a set time for these...) It's time for a new Timmy Talk!  This one is for the Summer Convention Exclusive Eleventh Doctor with Cyberman Head (aka Handles).  

Here we go!

Tuesday, July 21, 2015

Monday, July 20, 2015

Timmy Talks Funko - Fallout Brotherhood of Steel

This is the first in my series called Timmy Talks!  In Timmy Talks, I'll review various toys and such! 

I recently received a Fallout Brotherhood of Steel Funko Pop -

Sunday, July 19, 2015


So the boys and I have been collecting Funko figures and we really enjoy it! The boys started collecting about a year or so ago, when they got the full (at the time) Frozen set.  I just recently started when we stopped by Hot Topic to get some for the boys and they were having a buy three get one free sale...came home with a glow in the dark Adipose and Helena from Orphan Black. :)

SDCC really kickstarted my many things I liked.  The boys have a far more impressive collection than I do, and I really like that this is something we all enjoy :)

Here's some links to what we have -

The boys:


I may post some reviews here maybe as our collections grow?  Could be fun.

Monday, May 4, 2015

Oh hey!

We still exist :)

It's been a long time since the last update, but we're still here.

I've been without regular access to a computer for a while, but now I have one I can use so hopefully I can post more!

Arini's still around too, she's been busy living overseas and doing awesome overseas things, hopefully she comes around in a bit.

I haven't been doing much exciting, but I've been into Pokemon again a lot lately, which is pretty exciting.  I started playing way way back in the day but I've skipped a generation or so as I've been too busy/broke, haha.

I started a superfuntimes Instagram (@superfuntimmy) but it's mostly been about Pokemon tbh.  Everyone in the community is so nice! I really hope I can start giving back more.

I'll start doing more regular posts soon!  Miss you all.